Trick Challenge – Nod Head “Yes”

DashDash learned to nod her head “yes”.  I shaped the behavior in about six 5 minute sessions.  Shaping is my preferred method of training when I want my dog to interact with something.  She already knew to touch her nose to my foot.  Before her head lowered all the way to my foot, I clicked and she immediately raised her head to get her treat.

It didn’t take long for DashDash to figure out that I wanted her to lower her head and immediately raise it.  Once she consistently gave me one head bob, I waited her out until she offered me a second head bob.  When she offered me the two head bobs without hesitation, I again waited her out until she offered me three head bobs.

By the time she offered three head bobs, she realized she was expected to bob her head until she heard the click.  Only after she understood the desired behavior did I give her the verbal cue, “am I right?”


1.      Back up

2.      Balance disc

3.      Barrel Racing (run around cone)

4.      Basketball

5.      Bow

6.      Come

7.      Crawl

8.      Directed Jumping

9.      Directed Retrieve

10.  Doggy push ups

11.  Down

12.  Drop it/give

13.  Fetch to hand

14.  Figure 8 (through egs)

15.  Find me

16.  Find object with my scent (scent discrimination0

17.  Front

18.  Head cock

19.  Head down

20.  Head nod yes        11/11/16

21.  Hike back leg

22.  Hoop jump

23.  Jump

24.  Jumping figure 8

25.  Kennel up

26.  Leave it

27.  Nose touch

28.  Nosework

29.  Paw touch

30.  Paws on arm

31.  Paws up

32.  Perch work (pivot with front legs on perch)

33.  Pickpocket

34.  Play dead

35.  Ring toss

36.  Settle

37.  Shake hands

38.  Shell game (find the toy)

39.  Side step

40.  Sit

41.  Spin

42.  Stack bowls

43.  Stand

44.  Stay

45.  Teeter

46.  Touch my hand

47.  Tug (she’s a Doberman, afterall)

48.  Tunnel

49.  Walk

50.  Walk on loose leash – heel

51.  Watch me/focus

52.  Weave through legs

53.  Weaves

54.  Which hand holds the treat